Book: The Old Man And The Sea
Author: Ernest Hemingway
Price: $15 shipping included
Let's talk about our fathers. Know them or not, love them or not, there are conversations you have with them where you realizes where the blood is. Those small surprises. They have that look, and they don't recognize that they are giving it.
I am a big Hemingway fan, he is many things that I am not. Hem is strong, bold, for the lack of better language he is earnest. Big Poppa is blunt, short, he is a shotgun. I went through a period of time reading through his novels, this being my first, where I tried to match drink by drink with him. Brandy for a novel, mezcal for a novel, and so on.
I got a phone call out of the blue from my father when I was particularly hung over one morning. Told him it was from brandy,
"Big Poppa's medicine huh?"
He, as a younger man was a huge Hemingway reader as well. It is interesting to find these things in the blood.
Misunderstood, mysterious and projected love is a large part of "The Old Man and the Sea". To find love in someone, lose it because of something else, and have a third thing try to rip both out of your butchered and torn hands, this is how Millennials should fight through life. In the end of the fight, you come out knowing how love really feels.
With this copy of "The Old Man And the Sea" I am including sketches from my "Old Man And the Sea Tattoo", a sharpie so you can draw your own, a small baggie of beach property, a hand made BookHook, and some salted anchovies for nourishment.
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